Juicing, Add It to Your Life!

DSC_0656I’m fresh off my three-day juice fast and, I admit, happy to be done. Though the fast was a real challenge for me, it hasn’t dulled my love of juicing, and I wanted to tell you guys why.

Juicing is a method of extracting the juice from fruits and vegetables. This juice contains vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and live enzymes — and juicing makes it super easy for our bodies to digest them.  It’s recommended that we get at least 6 servings of vegetables a day. But most of us don’t, and juicing makes it so much easier to get those servings in.  (Though it’s not a total replacement for eating whole vegetables and fruit.)  In just one glass of juice you can have 3 apples, 4 carrots, and one beet! It’s much more efficient than trying to eat all those fruits and veggies in one sitting. Continue reading

Avocados You’d better eat em’

Avocado, the fruit of the Gods. Words can’t express my love for this wonderful Fruit! This beautiful green fleshy creamy food can be used in both savory and sweet dishes.  Most common uses are Guacamole, salad topping, mexican dish condiment, but it can also be used in baking and for smoothies and milkshakes.  Its creamy texture and fat content make it the perfect substitute for butter or cream in sweet dishes.  For the “Purest” they are perfect sliced with lime juice and salt, yum! Continue reading